
Keeping things simple in a not so simple world

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salmon and double beet salad, aka still cleaning out the freezer

Yup.  Still cleaning out the freezer.  This month’s penny-pinching has meant that I do not have extra money for significant grocery shopping.  I have bought a few veggies and fruits here and there, but the bulk of my shopping has not been done and you can tell.  My fridge is virtually empty and the freezer is getting that way too.  This is good.  I am forcing myself to use things that would have probably been forgotten until the freezer burn had completely covered them.

Today, I found some frozen salmon pieces buried under frozen fruit.  And a quick trip to the grocery store gave me some nice looking beets, with even nicer looking beet greens.  We love beets in this house and even love the greens, but it is hard to find beet greens that are not bruised and broken.  Beet greens are healthy!  And tasty!  And you are paying for the beets so you might as well use everything you can.

Broiled Salmon with double beet salad


Salmon (fresh or frozen; quantity depends on your need)
Lemon dill marinade
Mix: 1 tablespoon each lemon juice and olive oil with 1 1/2 teaspoons dill (fresh or dried) and a pinch of salt.

On a greased broiler proof skillet, place the salmon pieces and brush with marinade. Place beneath broiler until the salmon is your desired version of done. My husband likes his just cooked – raw, really. I prefer mine well done.

Double beet salad


One large beet with greens attached
-wash beet well and grate
-Coarsely chop greens and stems into large pieces (think same size as spinach)
A small bunch of baby spinach
goat cheese

In a large serving bowl mix spinach and beet greens and stems. Add shredded beets, pecans and goat cheese, mixing well. Drizzle with favorite dressing or a homemade version, like: 1 each tablespoon olive oil and lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon oregano and a pinch of red chili flakes.